B.B. King

B.B.King·1.SoExcited·2.NoGood(YourBetter)·3.You'reLosin'Me·4.WhatHappened(提供)·5.Confessin'TheBlues·6.KeyToMyKingdom,WhyISingTheBlues/Don'tAnswertheDoor/RockMeBaby(LivefromtheNorthSeaJazzFestival,TheHague,13thJuly1985).Single•2018 ...,有「藍調之...。參考影片的文章的如下:


The Thrill Is Gone

B. B. King · 1.So Excited · 2.No Good(Your Better) · 3.You're Losin' Me · 4.What Happened(提供) · 5.Confessin' The Blues · 6.Key To My Kingdom

The Thrill Is Gone

Why I Sing The Blues / Don't Answer the Door / Rock Me Baby (Live from the North Sea Jazz Festival, The Hague, 13th July 1985). Single • 2018 ...

「The Thrill Is Gone」 藍調之王B.B. King 89歲離世

有「藍調之王」美名的爵士樂手B.B. King,15日在美國賭城安詳離世,享壽89歲。

The Thrill Is Gone

Hawkins's recording of the song reached number six in the Billboard R&B chart in 1951. In 1970, The Thrill Is Gone became a major hit for B.B. King. His ...

【音樂好麻吉04】藍調之王B.B. King

2022年6月2日 — 歌曲到了尾聲,就像是在呼應前面的歌詞:「妳應該了解,妳錯了;未來有一天,妳會為此感到抱歉。」.


B.B.King·1.SoExcited·2.NoGood(YourBetter)·3.You'reLosin'Me·4.WhatHappened(提供)·5.Confessin'TheBlues·6.KeyToMyKingdom,WhyISingTheBlues/Don'tAnswertheDoor/RockMeBaby(LivefromtheNorthSeaJazzFestival,TheHague,13thJuly1985).Single•2018 ...,有「藍調之王」美名的爵士樂手B.B.King,15日在美國賭城安詳離世,享壽89歲。,Hawkins'srecordingofthesongreachednumbersixintheBillboardR&Bchartin1951.In1970,TheT...